
Hydrangea Quercifolia Alice

Hydrangea  Quercifolia Alice
Easily grown in organically rich, medium moisture, well-drained soils in full sun to part shade. Appreciates a summer mulch which helps retain soil moisture. Blooms occur on old wood. Prune after flowering. Zone 5. Grows 5-8' tall and as wide (Up to 12' tall in optimum growing conditions). It is most noted for its large, arching flower panicles (10-14" long), its usually disease-free foliage and its superior fall color. Large pyramidal flower panicles feature mostly sterile white flowers in June which bloom for 6-8 weeks, gradually fading to pink and then brown by late summer. Distinctive, deeply-lobed, somewhat coarse, deep green, oak-like leaves (to 8" long) turn attractive shades of bronze, maroon and purple in autumn. Mature stems exfoliate to reveal a rich brown inner bark which is attractive in winter. Good large specimen or accent for foundations or other locations near homes or patios. Group or mass in shrub borders or naturalize in open woodland areas. Good informal hedge.
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